Re: Evaluation requirements for the thesis

The responses I got to my previous post about evaluation requirements for my thesis pretty much boils down to this: I need to clarify what I hope my contribution will be before I can decide how to appropriately test it.

To make my goals more clear, here are the kinds of questions I’m trying to ask with this new interface:

  • Does this spatial interface give a better understanding of the overall scope of your music?
  • Is the music->visual mapping intuitive?
  • To introduce the notion of “really fuzzy searching”… Is a spatial representation more appropriate than text-based lists for music browsing?
  • Does the interface help you see/examine your listening patterns?
  • Does the interface help you see the relationship between multiple people’s music libraries?
  • Can you more easily find music of a certain style/type, or for a particular activity, than you can with a more traditional music browser?
  • Can looking at your music and someone else’s music at the same time in the space help you find recommendations for new music?
  • Does this interface change what things are important when it comes to looking at your library? Do you find that you are looking for, or thinking about, different sorts of things than you would with a traditional music browser?
  • Does the interface make you more aware of the context for your music-browsing decisions?

1 Comment »

  1. Comment by Mike

    Posted on March 7, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    This is my perspective as an Internet radio geek: if i have the whole universe of music available to me, does the interface help me “steer” where i want to go next? I mean this abstractly– the interface doesn’t literally have to drive a music player. But if it could, would it be able to assist me in both discovery of new music and management of the familiar?

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