Completed thesis

I submitted my written thesis in early August 2008.  Rather than continue to hold off on posting it for IP reasons, I’m going to opt for the “open is better” attitude and just post it.  I hope that this will encourage people to chat with me about where this research stands, where it’s going, and how they can get involved.

If this is your first visit to this site, I’ll briefly catch you up: This is a blog for my Masters thesis at the MIT Media Lab, on a music browser called MusicBox.  In this blog, you can find screenshots and videos of the project, which show the interactive maps that MusicBox creates.

I intend to continue developing MusicBox in the coming year, but will likely not update this blog with the developments, since the project as a thesis is complete.  Once I decide where I will post updates, I will add a link here.  (The new place will have a more complete set of screenshots and videos.)

If you would like to read my written thesis (10.2 MB, 124 pages), you can download the PDF.  Feel free to send me feedback, either by posting a comment here or by emailing me.

Here is what MusicBox looked like at the time my thesis was submitted:

MusicBox screenshot


A quick guide to the parts of this interface is displayed here:

(See my written thesis for much more detail.)

MusicBox screenshot, annotated


  1. Comment by Brian

    Posted on July 22, 2009 at 3:33 pm

    This is very impressive. The universal reaction from anyone interested in it has been “where can I get this, I’d pay for it”.

    How long does it take for the analyzer to compute the data for each track?

  2. Comment by Anita

    Posted on July 24, 2009 at 9:19 am

    Thanks, Brian :) I’d like to see MusicBox out there as well, so look here for any announcements about it.

    [re: your question…] It takes around 10-20 seconds to analyze the average MP3 file. (“Average” means a few minutes long at medium compression.)

  3. Comment by Jeremy

    Posted on December 2, 2009 at 8:07 pm

    I saw this a while ago, and I was really interested. A thought just occurred to me, that maybe it would be available by now. I’ve googled around, but this is the closest thing I’ve seen to an indication of whether it will be available to the public.

    I (and I’m sure a lot of other people) would be enthralled if this were to go public. Is there something holding you back? Intellectual Property issues? Or is it just not in a state to be distributed?


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